Would you be interested in learning how to speed up uterine contractions so you can avoid using pitocin or oxitocin if your labour drags out?

Consider developing a technique to “unpush” during the expulsive stage of labour to significantly reduce strain on the pelvic floor. For more details pico negative dressing

Did you know that just 5% of the pelvic floor muscles are activated by Kegel exercises? Would you desire a means to work the remaining 95% of the postpartum period?

The benefits of negative pressure core exercises for labour and delivery are numerous. These exercises are the best approach to recuperate afterwards since they are easier on the pelvic floor than conventional pushing during the expulsive phase of labour and can be used to facilitate uterine contractions (Braxton Hicks and labour). The involuntary muscle fibres that make up 95% of the pelvic floor can be stimulated in the most effective way possible using them.

Before being adopted by obstetrical physical therapy, negative pressure abdominal exercises had their origins in some forms of yoga. Marcel Caufriez is the reigning expert in this field of study and application. He is a physical therapist from Belgium who specialises in perinatal women and has done a lot of study on this method. In order to facilitate establishing a negative pressure within the abdominal cavity, he has developed a whole routine of postures.

The fundamental idea behind these workouts is that by inducing an abdominal vacuum, you can lower intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure, reduce diaphragm activity, and activate the deep core and pelvic floor muscles’ involuntary fibres. Kegels are one of the typical postpartum recovery exercises that exclusively engage the voluntary muscles. Only 5% of the muscles of the pelvic floor are made up of voluntary fibres. The other 95% of the pelvic floor is stimulated by negative pressure core exercises.

The neurological system is also stimulated by performing these workouts. Given that performing abdominal workouts with negative pressure stimulates the uterus, this relationship may be helpful for giving birth. This is another reason why these activities are not advised during pregnancy up to week 37, when they can be used to encourage Braxton-Hicks contractions, which get the uterus ready for delivery.

If active labour stalls and the uterus needs to be induced to contract more frequently, negative pressure core work can be used. This is a fantastic approach to stay away from artificial hormones like oxitocin and pitocin, which might have negative side effects. These methods may also be applied throughout labor’s expulsive stage. Compared to conventional techniques, this approach of “unpushing” is more kinder to the pelvic floor. The key to recovery is postpartum negative pressure core work. They are the most efficient method for pelvic floor rehabilitation and regaining a flat stomach.